Powerful, supernatural, irresistible, mighty, overwhelming, constraining!
We declare on scriptural authority that the human will
is so desperately set on mischief, so depraved, so
inclined to everything that is evil, and so disinclined
to everything that is good, that without the powerful,
supernatural, irresistible influence of the Holy Spirit,
no one will ever be constrained toward Christ.
A man is not saved against his will, but he is made
willing by the operation of the Holy Spirit. A mighty
grace which he does not wish to resist enters into the
man, disarms him, makes a new creature of him, and
he is saved.
If I did not believe that there was might going forth
with the word of Jesus which makes men willing, and
which turns them from the error of their ways by the
mighty, overwhelming, constraining force of divine
influence, I should cease to glory in the cross of Christ.